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The Best Virtual Tours for Education Marketing

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How do Virtual Tours help Student Recruitment ?

Education recruitment is a continuous and long process during the academic year. Your admission staff needs to have the best communication tools in order to transmit the institutions´ message amid lower birth rates, overwhelmed staff and busy parents.

Improve Competitiveness

More schools are competing for less students. Virtual Tours allow student recruitment to happen 24/7 and totally online.


Which school do you think the parents will choose? One that gives them easy access to contextualised information or one that forces you to go in just to see what the dinning hall looks like?

Mother searching for schools for her kids on her computer
Colegio Brains video interactive point in a Matterport virtual tour

Interactive Points

Interactive Points are tags within the virtual tour which enhances the usefulness of the digital twin. It is also a call to action for visitors.


You can add text, photos, videos, audio and links to a specific object and location to tell your brand´s story.

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What are the Main Features  of Deseo VR´s Virtual Tours?

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