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School VR Experience Success Story

Boom Studies Malta

*PC: Click, hold and drag the screen to see all the angles.

*Phone: Move your phone or hold your finger on the screen and swipe. Make sure you turn on the highest quality!

Education Agency - YouTube & Direct Marketing-

Sliema, Malta 

Boom Studies is an official agency that helps students and professionals mainly in Latino American to find their ideal school, process their applications and settle in to the life in Malta amongst other destinations.


Boom Studies came to us with 2 pain points, the inability to holistically communicate to international students about the life in Malta and managing their expectations when they arrive.


Joaquín Presenting Malta in VR Experience

Deseo VR offered to create 3 VR experiences in 8K resolution for the agency. The main objective was to show that Malta is a historically city, full of people from different nationalities and growth opportunities.


Meanwhile we kept the experience as concise and specific as possible in order to keep the attention of the interested students. In the long run, they will use it in education fairs in Colombia and other LATAM countries.

Gozo Malta in 8K 360 Image


1. Objectives of the VR experience agreed

2. Based on discussions with the school a storyboard is created

3. Dates and logistics is agreed

4. Deseo VR´s content creator travelled from Tenerife to Malta

5. 4 days of filming

6. 1 week of intense editing to produce the 1st draft

7. Agency revised the draft 

8. 1 week of editing to hand in the final draft

9. Boom Studies Malta VR Experiences were born

Deseo VR filming Malta VR experience
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