I am a young entrepreneur from Hong Kong who loves spotting new opportunities and creating value for the world.
I created Deseo VR to revolutionalise the communication between businesses and its stakeholders by creating virtual tours and VR experiences.
The journey has just began. Follow me for more!
Journey so far
September 2017 - Present
July 2016 - August 2017
September 2005 - July 2016
Graduating from University of Kent, I decided to take Deseo VR to Tenerife where it has grown from a side-project to a nationally recognised brand. Now, I continue to ask questions on how I can improve the business and inspire more clients to take advantage.
Eager to test my adaptability, I went to Spain for my University internship, where I spent 1 year learning about VR and falling in love with the Spanish culture. During this time, Deseo VR was born and the initial plans and tests were made.
My key years of personal development began when I went to the UK at the age of 9 to study at an international boarding school. This is where I became a global citizen and developed many perspective on life through empathy.